Monday, January 27, 2014

Call for Papers -- ICM (2014)

The organizers of the 28th Irish Conference of Medievalists, which will be held 1-3 July 2014 at University College Dublin, invite proposals for papers and panels "on all aspects of Irish and European medieval culture."  Submissions are due by 15 April 2014.  Details can be found on the ICM website.

Call for Papers -- Celtic Linguistics Conference 2014

The organizers of the 8th Celtic Linguistics Conference, which will be held 6-7 June 2014 at the University of Edinburgh, invite abstracts "for presentations on all aspects of linguistic research on the Celtic languages."  Potential speakers are asked to submit their abstracts in the following format by 15 February 2014:

"Abstracts are to be submitted as a .pdf, .doc, or .odt file using EasyAbs here.  Abstract format: 2 pages maximum (A4 or letter-sized, 12pt font, 2.5cm/1-inch margins), including examples and references.  Abstracts will be reviewed anonymously, so authors are asked to avoid self-references in their abstracts and to ensure that the document properties of the file do not include author details."

For more information, visit the conference website.

Fergus Kelly Lecture Online

Fergus Kelly's 2013 Statutory Public Lecture of the School of Celtic Studies, entitled "Early Irish Music: An Overview of the Linguistic and Documentary Evidence," is now available on YouTube.  The lecture was originally delivered on 15 November 2013.  Kudos to Oracle Pictures for making this fascinating talk available to those of us who could not attend in person.

Call for Papers -- Studia Celtica Fennica (2014)

The editors of Studia Celtica Fennica invite "submissions of articles and book reviews written in all major European languages and Celtic languages as well as Finnish and Swedish" for their eleventh volume.  Submissions are due to Katja Ritari by 31 May 2014.  Back issues of the journal are available online.

Tuesday, January 14, 2014 in 2014, a popular online Irish-language book club, is on hiatus for the time being while the organizers look to secure funding to develop their website.  ClubLeabhar has done an excellent job promoting Irish-language literature, and I hope you will join me in wishing them every success in obtaining the resources needed to continue their work.

Australian Celtic Journal Vol. 12 Deadline

The editors of the Australian Celtic Journal are accepting submissions for their twelfth volume.  Contact Professor Anders Ahlqvist and Dr. Pamela O'Neill for submissions guidelines.  Back issues of the journal are also available.  For more information, visit the journal website.

NAASWCH Deadline Extended

The North American Association for the Study of Welsh Culture and History has extended the submissions deadline for its upcoming International Conference on Welsh Studies to 24 January 2014.  Further information on the conference, including submissions requirements, is available on the NAASWCH website.

CSANA Conference 2014 Preliminary Program

The preliminary program for the 2014 CSANA conference, which will be held 6-8 March 2014 in Roanoke, Virginia is now available.  For more information, visit the conference website.

Post-Doctoral Scholarship at the School of Celtic Studies

"The School of Celtic Studies is able to offer one O’Donovan
scholarship from April 2014 at a stipend of up to €25,000 per annum
for candidates at post-doctorate level.

A CV, including an outline of the research which the applicant
proposes to undertake (maximum of 1000 words), should be sent to:

    Ms Eibhlín Nic Dhonncha,
    School Administrator,
    School of Celtic Studies,
    Dublin Institute for Advanced Studies,
    10 Burlington Road,
    Dublin 4,

To be returned not later than February 7 2014.

The applicant should also ensure that references from at least two
referees are sent to the School Administrator by the above date.

The date at which the applicant wishes the Scholarship to commence
and proposed length of tenure should be indicated."

Scholarships for Ph.D. Students

The Centre for Advanced Welsh and Celtic Studies is offering up to five scholarships for Ph.D. students for the 2014-2015 academic year.  Here is the announcement:

The Centre for Advanced Welsh and Celtic Studies "is part of a consortium of twelve departments of Celtic Studies which form an AHRC-funded Doctoral Training Centre in Celtic languages, literatures and cultures, managed by the University of Glasgow. Funding will be available for the next five years, and this year about five PhD scholarships are offered, to be held in any of the twelve departments, commencing in October 2014. CAWCS would welcome applications to work in any of the research areas of its staff, and in particular on the early Celtic languages; medieval Welsh literature; Celtic saints; the literature of Wales in the Romantic period; place-names; lexicography.

The application process is in two stages. Firstly an application must be made by 31 January 2014 for a place to study at CAWCS. The strongest applicants will then be selected for entry to the scholarship competition sponsored by CAWCS (closing date 28 February 2014). For more information please see our website."

University of California Celtic Studies Conference 2014

"The 36th Annual University of California Celtic Studies Conference will be held March 13-16, 2014, on the campus of the University of California, Los Angeles.  Invited speakers include Geraint Evans (Swansea University); Beatrix Faerber (UC Cork); Elizabeth FitzPatrick (NUI Galway); Catherine Flynn (UC Berkeley); Helen Fulton (University of York); Alexandre Guilarte (Dublin Institute for Advanced Studies); Ralph O’Connor (University of Aberdeen); Eurig Salisbury (Centre for Advanced Welsh and Celtic Studies); and Paul Widmer (Philipps University, Marburg).  There will be a special session on the expanding future of on-line resources in Celtic Studies. 
 Abstracts (no longer than a double-spaced page) for papers twenty minutes in length (plus ten minutes allotted for discussion) are cordially invited.  They should be sent to Professor Joseph Nagy.    Please indicate your AV needs.  In light of the Martin Luther King Jr. holiday weekend, the due date for abstracts has been changed from Friday, January 17, to Tuesday, January 21, 2014."  

Scholarship for Students of Scottish Gaelic

An Comunn Gàidhealach, Ameireaganach is offering a $2,000 (USD) scholarship for "American or Canadian citizens who either are or will be full-time university (or equivalent) students taking Scottish Gaelic....  Preference will be give to students enrolled in Gaelic-medium programs."  Application materials, which are due by 1 March 2014, include official transcripts, three letters of recommendation (two of which must be in Gaelic), budget of educational expenditures, and confirmation of enrollment in a full-time program.  For more information, please visit the website for An Comunn Gàidhealach, Ameireaganach.