proposals are invited for the 2nd Colloquium on Thinking About Celtic Mythology
in the 21st Century, to be held on 8-9 November at the University of
Edinburgh. The deadline for proposals is 15 October 2014. If you would like to
submit a proposal please contact Dr Emily Lyle:
The 1st colloquium held at the University of Edinburgh in October 2013 was designed to give an opportunity for extended discussion and included a forum on 'The Way Ahead' under the chairmanship of Professor Rob Dunbar. We hope in this 2nd Colloquium to offer a wide-ranging set of papers on the theme of 'Thinking about Celtic Mythology in the 21st Century.'"
The 1st colloquium held at the University of Edinburgh in October 2013 was designed to give an opportunity for extended discussion and included a forum on 'The Way Ahead' under the chairmanship of Professor Rob Dunbar. We hope in this 2nd Colloquium to offer a wide-ranging set of papers on the theme of 'Thinking about Celtic Mythology in the 21st Century.'"
For more information on this event, visit the colloquium website.